Provincial Research Group

About the Group

The Provincial Research Group was formed in 2016 to support the Albert Edward Court Lodge of Research in Porthcawl.  Its Primus Chair was V.W.Bro Dr Paul Calderwood PGSwdB and Secretary of the premier lodge of Masonic research, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076 in London.  In 2017 the Chair passed to the Provincial Grand Orator, W.Bro. Merrick Jones PPrDGDC.

The membership was initially drawn from members of the AECLoR, but has extended to include other brethren with a suitable interest.

Its aims are:

  1. To act as a focus for Freemasons in the Province who want to pursue masonic research
  2. To facilitate the discussion of masonic research and theories
  3. To share masonic knowledge and resources
  4. To develop a body of research in the form of papers and publications, study guides and other resources that can be made available to a wider audience, including via the VLE.
  5. To act as custodian for the Provincial Library

Any member, or by invitation non-member, may submit research papers for discussion; but each year the Worshipful Master of the AECLoR is expected to submit a research paper for review and presentation during his year in the Chair of King Solomon.

The Group meets four times a year at the Provincial Research Library at the RMBI Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court home.

Any enquiries, communications or offer of papers for submission should be made through the Group Secretary, W.Bro. Paul Deenik at,